Chairman’s Report
The Annual Parish Assembly was held on 9 April 2024. The Chair of the Council gave his report on the Council’s activities during the last year and can be read here:
Playing Field and Village Green
PATH FROM THE CAR PARK TO THE VILLAGE HALL – The Parish Council has agreed to liaise with the Church Council to investigate the possibility of a new, lit footpath from the car park to the village hall. The aim is to to be able to enhance the usage of the village hall. Work on this will commence soon.
Speeding in the Village
The Parish Council is looking into the purchase a mobile speed device for the village. Sources of funding are being investigated. A survey has being undertaken to gauge the opinion of residents on getting a speed device and which showed overwhelming support. Costings have been obtained from a number of suppliers and grant funding is now been sought. An application to approve three sites for a mobile speed device has been approved by Essex Highways and the Community Safety Manager is progressing a bid to the Safer Streets Fund.
Highways and Footpaths
DAMAGED ROADS / SIGNS – A meeting has been held with Priti Patel MP to discuss our request for repair to the traffic island outside the village hall and the wider impact of large HGV on the roads and infrastructure in and around the village. This is being followed up, particularly in light of the recent damage to the village hall wall, as there is an urgent need for a resolution to the layout of the junction.
TRANSPORT STRATEGY – Essex Highways has launched a strategy for the further of transport in the Maldon District. More information can be found here